Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

The Kubera Principle

The Kubera Principle

The Book That Will Change the World

Attending a job or career fair? Here are 3 quick tips for you! #careerfair #jobfair2023

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Students use the mobile app to get in test prep even during short breaks in the day.

Another resource is a link to a course I created for Udemy called College 101: How to Navigate College that teaches students about credits, degree plans, how to calculate their GPA, learning styles, how to maximize their degree plans, and more. This would be good to send out to the first year students. Here is the link:

Please share this link with your students and encourage them to contact me with any feedback about the course and/or any questions. I can always add to this Udemy course and students have lifetime access to the course once they enroll. I’d like to add more content to it that helps students going forward. Let me know if there is any content you need in the form of a video and/or course. I plan on creating more courses for Udemy and more videos for my YouTube channel.

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