On Friday December 1st 2023, the Rockefeller Institute in collaboration with New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (NYSID), and the New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation, held the third of four forums.
A wide range of professionals and services are involved in caring for, advising, and training individuals with disabilities and preparing them for employment. This includes vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, job coaches, benefits counselors, and direct support professionals (DSPs), among others. Across these areas, professionals interacting with individuals with disabilities have different expertise and varying levels of access to information. This can often lead to confusion regarding benefits and the realities of employment for individuals with disabilities. It can also place strain on individuals providing these services, as they are often asked to provide information or services outside their stated area of expertise. This discussion will focus on the professionals involved in caring for, advising, and training individuals with disabilities, the information and training available to individuals involved in this process, and possibilities for improvement.
•[00:00:00] Leigh Wedenoja, senior policy analyst, Rockefeller Institute of Government
•[00:02:14] Moderator: Steve Towler, vice president of programs & business development, AHRC New York City
•[00:07:09] Kerry Douglas-Duffy, director, Bureau of Workforce Innovation and Quality, New York State Department of Labor
• [00:22:40] Ann Gallagher-Saagas, upstate regional coordinator, New York State Commission for the Blind
• [00:37:49] Gregory Sorrentino, president and chief executive officer, Center for Disability Services
• [00:50:18] Derick Bowers, executive director, GoodTemps, Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey