Mon. Jan 6th, 2025

The Kubera Principle

The Kubera Principle

The Book That Will Change the World


Many people get nervous about salary negotiations.

But if you don’t ask for what you deserve, who will?

Like most negotiations, salary discussions need to be handled with preparation and collaboration.

💡 Here are a few tips to help you be more prepared, confident, calm and successful:

1. Do your homework

👉🏼 What is the benchmark compensation for your role?
👉🏼 Research the salaries for comparable positions within your and other organizations.
👉🏼 Understand your needs; is it really about money?

If you need to be paid more, get ready to ask for it.

2. Place yourself in the position of the person who can give you that increase.

💡 How can you help that person do their job better?
💡 How can you serve your team and the company better?
💡 What might be the challenges they are facing and what are their needs?

3. Offer to help them with those needs.
And then talk about the higher salary that goes with it.

For salary negotiations I generally recommend to start with a collaborative strategy. Because if you intend to stay in your organization, you’ll need to continue working with your counterpart. Don’t ruin the relationship.

Try to understand their perspective and budget and together find an agreement that is fair for everyone.

Speaking about fairness, I’ll make a video soon for the leaders who are ASKED for a salary increase.

Remember a salary negotiation is never about money alone. There are many aspects that might be at stake. I’ll share more in my next video.

We need to make salary negotiations a normal part of every job. Without too much stress or ego. When we do this right, everyone wins.

Happy to hear your thoughts.

Love & Motivation,
Lousin Mehrabi


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