Creative Job Search- Job Search Over 50
This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
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This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
If you’re starting out as a freelancer, this video offers valuable advice on how to thrive in the creative industry. Learn why working with creative agencies can maximize your success…
This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
Just having the right attire when going for a job interview within the creative industry can be quite the eye opener for those starting out in the industry. If you…
This workshop focuses on practical, proven advice for workers over 50 looking to resume an established career or try something brand new! We’ll discuss how resumes and interviewing techniques have…
Hear from industry professionals across different creative fields about their journey and their insight on creating an impactful presence online. We have professionals with multiple disciplines including WAC/Dance, Visual/Digital Arts,…
Learn how to make your resume stand out with creative design, formatting, and content. Our guide will provide you with practical advice and examples to help you craft an impressive…
Hey everyone! Welcome back to another freelancing tips and tricks video! 😊 This time we’re going to be focusing on 5 things you shouldn’t do as a creative freelancer. Obviously…